What is Office Politics and How to Deal with it?

The notion that politics only belong in government buildings is outdated. The truth is, office politics infiltrate every organization, affecting team cohesion, individual performance, and overall productivity. While some might argue that politics can lead to healthy competition and innovation, it’s the dark side that most of us encounter. So, how can you traverse this tricky terrain while keeping your sanity and job intact? Let’s delve into the nitty-gritty of it.

The Anatomy of Office Politics

Think of office politics as the air we breathe at work: omnipresent yet invisible. It’s about the relationships, the hidden agendas, and the distribution of power within an organization. A recent survey from XYZ University found that nearly 70% of employees believe office politics has a substantial impact on their career trajectory. The only issue perceived as a greater challenge? You guessed it—communication problems.

The Usual Suspects: Types of Office Politicians

1. The Rumor Monger

It seems like this individual has a sixth sense for office gossip. While a casual chat by the water cooler is ordinary, this person takes it to another level by sharing sensitive information, often distorting it for personal gain. If you find yourself caught in a web spun by a Rumor Monger, your best defense is to keep conversations strictly professional. If talk veers off into gossip territory, excuse yourself as gracefully as possible.

2. The Spotlight Stealer

This individual is notorious for taking credit for others’ work. Whether it’s a project you slaved over for months or a last-minute idea that saved the day, the Spotlight Stealer will claim it as their own. One way to safeguard your contributions is to keep a detailed record of your work and to share updates with your boss regularly.

3. The Smooth Talker

You’ll recognize them by their polished compliments and ingratiating demeanor. However, the sincerity often lacks, and their flattery is more about gaining personal advantage than acknowledging good work. Recognize the signs and maintain a professional distance; you don’t want to fall into the trap of becoming a pawn in their game.

4. The Saboteur

Perhaps the most malicious of all office politicians, the Saboteur is all about self-preservation—even if it means throwing colleagues under the proverbial bus. Keeping a documented history of your interactions with them can protect you if they ever attempt to tarnish your reputation.

The Negative Toll of Office Politics

1. Divides and Conquers

Negative office politics can sow seeds of discord among team members, leading to inefficiencies and conflicts. The tension makes it hard for employees to collaborate, causing projects to suffer and deadlines to be missed.

2. Decreases Productivity

When the workplace becomes a political battlefield, the focus shifts from work to survival. Employees become more concerned with alliances and perceived slights than with completing their tasks, leading to decreased productivity and morale.

3. Breeds Stress and Low Morale

The emotional drain of continually navigating office politics can lead to burnout and reduced job satisfaction, impacting both the individual and the team.

Tactical Maneuvers: How to Survive

1. Skill Up

In an ever-evolving job market, upgrading your skill set not only makes you more marketable but also less vulnerable to the vagaries of office politics. Your worth becomes apparent through the value you bring to your team.

2. Be Reliable

The best way to rise above office politics? Be so good they can’t ignore you. Consistency in delivering high-quality work will cement your reputation as a reliable and valuable team member.

3. Cultivate Friendships

Genuine friendships in the office can serve as your support network, helping you navigate political landmines more effectively. It also humanizes you to your colleagues, making it harder for others to target you negatively.

4. Transparent Communication

The importance of clear and transparent communication cannot be stressed enough. Keeping all stakeholders in the loop eliminates misunderstandings and reduces the room for political maneuvering.

Practical Tips for Management

As a manager, you hold a unique position that allows you to influence the culture of your team and, to some extent, the organization. Office politics may be inevitable, but how you manage them can make a significant difference in the work environment. Here are some practical tips for managers to curb negative office politics and foster a more productive, less toxic workspace.

1. Open-Door Policy

Maintaining an open-door policy encourages employees to discuss issues openly without fear of repercussions. When employees feel heard, they’re less likely to engage in behind-the-scenes politicking, as they have a formal channel for airing grievances or sharing ideas.

2. Foster Transparency

Keeping your team members in the loop about important decisions and updates reduces the uncertainty that often fuels office politics. The more transparent you are about what’s happening in the organization, the less room there is for speculation and rumors.

3. Regular One-on-Ones

Scheduled one-on-one meetings with each team member provide an opportunity to catch up, discuss any concerns, and get feedback. These interactions can unearth potential issues before they escalate, allowing you to address them proactively.

4. Team Building Activities

Regular team-building activities can help improve relationships among team members, reducing the tendency for cliques or divisive groups to form. These activities should be designed to foster collaboration and improve communication skills.

5. Recognize and Reward Merit

One of the best ways to discourage negative office politics is to ensure that promotions, raises, and other forms of recognition are based on merit rather than favoritism. Publicly recognizing these achievements can also set the standard for what is valued in your team.

6. Address Issues Promptly

Ignoring a brewing issue will not make it go away; it will likely escalate and become more toxic over time. Make it a point to address problems as soon as they arise. This may require difficult conversations, but it’s better to face issues head-on than let them fester.

7. Lead by Example

Your behavior sets the tone for your team. Engaging in office politics yourself or showing favoritism can rapidly erode your team’s trust and morale. Be impartial and treat all team members with respect, and you’ll foster a culture where politics are minimized.

By implementing these strategies, managers can significantly reduce the impact of negative office politics and create a more harmonious, productive work environment.


While we may never entirely escape the clutches of office politics, we can arm ourselves with the tools to navigate through them. Being aware of the types of politicians, recognizing the signs of negative politics, and adopting effective coping strategies can not only help us survive but thrive in our professional lives. Remember, the office is a jungle, but it’s one where you can be both the explorer and the guide, leading yourself and others towards a more harmonious way of working.